Bali Climate Talks

(for details of Kyoto Protocol see pages on UN Framework Convention on Climate Change website

Outcome of conference:
I am unsure whether the 'Bali Road-Map' was the best possible outcome- it could have been worse though.

In the dispute between the US and the G77 Majority World (Developing and Less Economically Developed Countries) , the EU backed the G77. Some of the Kyoto signatories wanted to move ahead without the US on board, this move was blocked by Canada. Eventually the US was forced to back down and accept the proposal by the G77 due to overwhelming pressure. (The reaction of environmental activists and public pressure were instremental in forcing the US to back down from blocking the G77 amendment and had to agree to participate in the preparation of the 2009 treaty.)

Overall outcome:
Agreed that a new treaty on global warming will be signed in 2009. Also agreed to improve technology transfer to the Majority World and to set up an adaptation fund which reconises that countries with a high carbon footprint need to compensate those countries which are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Wait and see!- Will binding targets be ambitous enough? How will meaningful technology transfer be achieved? Will enough be pledged to the adaptation fund to allow poor countries to be resilient to climate change? It depends on the international political environment when the final decisions are made in 2009.

For more information see:

In previous communications I have given the link to a global campaigning organisation that responds to pressing issues through mobilising a global network of activists to put pressure on governments to respond to the issues with positive action. I expect they will be putting pressure on governments to ensure the 2009 treaty is as robust as possible.

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