Tall Buildings Design Guide

Tall Buildings Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

As part of the Local Development Framework (LDF), Leeds City Council is undertaking formal public consultation on the above Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) together with an accompanying Sustainability Appraisal.

The consultation period for this SPD will run until Monday 18th February.

The Tall Building Design Guide sets out to establish clear principles and advice to ensure that tall buildings are well designed in appropriate locations enhancing the skyline at the same time.

A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) document has also been produced. This has thoroughly assessed the draft SPD against environmental, social and economic effects which would result from applying the SPD. The SA provides a systematic way for checking and improving on the SPD as it develops.

In accordance with the Statutory Regulations, the City Council has also produced a Statement of SPD matters.

We would welcome any comments on the documents. The Council will consider all representations received during the consultation and as a result will make any changes that are considered appropriate and necessary. Subject to the satisfactory completion of this process, it is anticipated that the SPD will be adopted by the City Council in spring 2008. Requests to be notified of the formal adoption of the SPD can be made on the comments form.

From 7 January, you can access the documents at the following locations:
· Web – www.leeds.gov.uk/ldf (PDF versions of the documents are available for viewing & downloading)
· Development Enquiry Centre - The Leonardo Building, 2 Rossington St, Leeds, LS2 8HD (Monday to Friday 08:30 - 17:00, except Wednesdays 10:00 - 17:00)
· Libraries and one-stop centres within Leeds District.

You can also telephone (0113) 2478144 to obtain a copy of the cd and/or documents or e-mail ldf@leeds.gov.uk

Comment forms can be faxed, emailed or posted to the Leonardo Building address above.

Special arrangements can be made to translate the documents into any language (free of charge) by telephoning (0113) 2478092. If you have other special needs please contact Henry Skrzypecki on (0113) 3960538 who will be pleased to assist.

Text taken from an email sent by David Feeney, Head of Economic Planning & Policy.

Please use the comments section to share your views with other forum members to help them respond to the consultation.