Regional Sustainable Development Advisory Group

I attended this event. It covered the following themes:

- Showcasing Kirklees as the exemplar Local Authority which is leading on Sustainable Development in Yorkshire and the Humber.
- Sustainable consumption and production in the region. Findings of REEIO and REAP models for regional production and consumption using RAMEA data.
- Regional Biodiversity Strategy. Regional and national biodiversity strategy/policy context. Preparing the Regional Biodiversity Strategy (RBS). (including workshop activities that will help develop the RBS). I have posted the workshop write up under 'Regional Biodiversity Strategy' in this blog.
- Sustainable construction skills and their utility (essential) in enabling sustainable development.
- Flood risk management.

If you would like to view the presentation slides and get links to the organisations leading work in the region on these themes please see:

Securing volunteers for your project

If you want to secure volunteers for your project see:

Voluntary Action Leeds:



Community Action at Leeds Met:

Leeds University Volunteers (Action?):
Email: Phone: 0113 380 1326

Department for Work and Pensions
Contact Caroline McDermott on 0113 307 8176 or email

Also, contact to see if I can suggest any other possiblities.


Get Commissioned!
You deliver services and you deliver them well. Opportunities exist to bid on Leeds City Council tenders for delivering projects and services on behalf of the Council. If you spot a tender of interest but cannot deliver alone then I will do my best to find partner organisations. If you think you are delivering (or want to deliver) services that meet local needs then you can take a proposal to the appropriate commissioners. A partnership appraoch is favourable if you are seeking to create your own commissioning opportunity.
To view tenders navigate through to the Leeds City Council bulletin board via:
A guide for groups seeking to participate in Commissioning opportunites is availible at

This new online database covers many areas to do with fundraising; including research tools, resources and websites to help you find information on individuals, companies, trusts, statutory and lottery funding:

Abbey Charitable Trust (mainly small grants)
A key priority for this funding round is community regeneration. If your project can bring different sectors of the community together to make environmental improvements to an area then apply soon. No deadline (the sooner the better)

Access to Nature Fund (Available early 2008)
Grants between £50 000 and £500 000 from the Big Lottery Fund. Types of project funded are those involved in community awareness and active participation, education, learning and volunteering and welcoming, well-managed and wildlife-rich places. For further information visit

Active Living Fund

Grants of up to £1000 are available through the Kellogs Active Living Fund for projects that remove the "barriers" which stop people being active. For further information visit

Big Green Challenge
A big prize and several potential smaller prizes for projects that deliver a reduction in C02 emissions. DEADLINE: 3rd March 08.

Biffaward offer a wide range of funds from small to medium grants for community and biodiversity (wildlife) projects.

Breathing Places
Phase three of the Big Lottery Fund Breathing Places small grants programme will make grants of £1,000 to £10,000 to projects that support community involvement in transforming the local environment and for projects that create and care for wildlife friendly green spaces.

Big Lottery Fund will be running a short seminar about the programme and how to apply to it at 2pm, on 4 December, at Wheeler Hall in Leeds. The seminar will include an introduction to the programme and information from our partner the BBC. If you are interested in finding out more about the seminar or would like to attend, please e-mail or call our office of 0113 2245300.

If you are interested in the Breathing Places programme but do not want to attend the seminar, further details about it and how to apply are on

Community Assets Programme
The Big Lottery Fund is delivering the Community Assets programme on behalf of the Office of the Third Sector. There will be a single round of bidding from the 4th September to 15th November 2007. The programme aims to empower communities by offering grants for the refurbishment of local authority buildings in England, to enable the transfer of public buildings to the third sector. The programme is open to joint applications from local authorities and third sector partnerships.
For further information:

The Community Sustainable Energy Programme
Funded through the Big Lottery Fund’s Changing Spaces Programme, CSEP provides grants towards the cost of microgeneration (eg solar, wind and heat pump) technologies. Energy efficiency measures, such as loft and cavity wall insulation, can also be funded in combination with these. Schools, village halls, visitor centres and other community-based organisations in England can benefit from this programme. For more information visit or tel: 0845 3 671671.

Community Spaces
Groundwork are running the 'community spaces' programme as part of the Big Lottery fund. The scheme will help groups create or improve green and open spaces to improve the quality of life in their neighbourhoods.

Carbon Trust
The Carbon Trust Networks Initiative aims to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging networks to promote energy efficiency among their members. Proposals are encouraged from a wide variety of project types, providing they meet the eligibility criteria and reduce carbon emissions. Two levels of funding are available as follows: Up to £30,000 - typically for small or introductory projects. At this level, no investment is needed from the applicant. Up to £140,000 - for larger or ongoing programmes of work. At this level, the organisation must invest at least £60,000 in the project itself, regardless of the level of funding applied for. The Initiative cannot support projects that include lobbying activities or that focus on research. .

Carbon Neutral Fund- The Permaculture Association (Britain)
The grant must be used to contribute to reducing carbon emissions / atmospheric carbon, but how this will be achieved is left open. Projects which show how permaculture design thinking has been used will be favoured. Only group members of the Permaculture Association can apply, and projects must be within the UK. This round of the grant scheme has a total of £800 available. We welcome applications for any amount between £100 and £800. The number of grants given will depend on the number and quality of applications.Applications must be received by Friday 7th March 2008.

Green Leeds Limited
Distributes funding rasied from landfill tax credits. Normal conditions for landfill tax credit funding apply. Projects must be related to: reclamation/remediation/restoration of land, degraded due to uses it has previously been put to, to improve it's usability; pollution prevetion, reduction and mitigation; environmental imporvement of public amenities (parks etc); biodiversity projects; environmental protection, restoration, maintainance and repair of places of religious worship or of historical or architechtural interest- must be open to the public.
For further information and/or an application form and guidance notes, please contact Sue Lumby on 0113 247 8185 at Green Leeds Ltd, Resources Team, Neighbourhoods and Housing Dept, 6th Floor, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds, LS2 8BB.

Unltd/ Guardian
UnLtd and the Guardian have launched the Guardian/UnLtd Green Living Awards; this time they're looking to focus on helping people to think creatively about solving environmental issues and will be offering awards totalling around £100,000 to individuals who want to run innovative environmental projects in their local communities or on a larger scale. The seven themes for the awards (these are for guidance only) are:
Improving urban green spaces
Green Transport
Local food initiatives
Alternative energy
'Light bulb' category - for exceptional ideas that don't fit into the above.

These awards will be processed as part of our normal Level 1 Awards. There will also be one award of up to £20,000 for a (Level 2) individual whose project is already up and running and can be expanded.
For more information on the programme see

Esmee Fairburn
Being more flexible and are open to ideas. Environment and biodiversity remains a prioirty.

Google Grants
Google Grants offers free advertising, through AdWords, to UK charities involved in science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy, and the arts. See

SITA Trust.
Support community improvement projects around landfill sites owned by the waste management company SITA UK and nature projects around any landfill site in England.
For further information visit

Healthy Heart Grants
Grants of up to £10 000 are available to community groups, voluntary organisations and researchers who are spreading the healthy heart message. Heart research UK Healthy Heart Grants support innovative projects designed to promote heart helth and to prevent or reduce the risks of heart disease in specific groups or communities. For further information visit

Leeds Primary Care Trust Healthy Living Grants.
The Healthy Living Grants are to help new groups, or assist established groups to develop activities which promote health for individuals, groups or communities. Examples of environment/health cross cutting themes include healthy eating and outdoor activity. For details of Healthy Living Grants Please contact:

Local Food Programme (Available February 2008)
Grants from the Big Lottery Fund from £2,000 up to £500,000 will be awarded to projects such as growing, processing, marketing and distributing local food; composting and raising awareness of the benefits of such activities. For further information visit

One Living Planet Awards
B&Q are offering awards of between £1,000 and £10,000 in B&Q products to organisations involved in the environment, cultural / heritage projects, or energy saving activities. See

Waterways Trust
Each year The Waterways Trust offers a limited number of small grants for wildlife, environmental, access and educational projects connected to the waterways

West Yorkshire Grants
West Yorkshire Grants provides financial support to VCS organizations making a strategic impact on the social or cultural infrastructure in Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield. Grants are available from a minimum of £5,000 for activities on a range of project types including environmental conservation. More info at:

WRAP Organics Capital Grant Programme
The Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has launched the Organics Capital Grant Programme to realise a significant increase in the available processing capacity for source-segregated food waste which would otherwise be disposed of to landfill. WRAP is seeking to provide financial assistance of up to 30% towards the capital costs of plant, equipment and infrastructure for food waste processing capacity compliant with the Animal By-Product Regulations (ABPR) in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To be considered for WRAP funding support, projects must meet all of the following requirements: Be a capital investment (operating costs are not eligible) to create new or expand existing food waste processing capacity, compliant with the ABPR, diverting food waste from landfill into recycled products. Be located in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland. Be installed and fully operational by 31 December 2010. Use commercially proven technology. Use source-segregated food waste from the municipal, commercial and/or industrial waste streams (that would otherwise go to landfill). Preference will be given to facilities co-processing food waste-rich feedstock from municipal and commercial/industrial sources. Be able to demonstrate that the project viability is dependent on WRAP support. Be commercially sustainable in the medium and long term. Demonstrate clearly defined end markets for the output(s) of the project. Projects will not be eligible for funding if: the proposed facility is treating waste from a single commercial or industrial company; or the proposed facility is processing the organic residual fraction from mixed municipal waste. There are separate application forms for England and Northern Ireland, and Scotland. (Support for facilities in Wales is run under a separate programme.)

The deadline for applications is 30 June 2008 (1.30 pm).

Workshops offering further information about the aims of the programme and guidance for completing an application will be held on:
28 April 2008 - Leeds.

This is the first in a series of rounds under the Organics Capital Grant Programme (subject to the continued requirement for funding).

Small Grants to Voluntary Organisations
The Council’s booklet “Small Grants to Voluntary Organisations” is available online at— search for ‘small grants’, then click on ‘Small Grants to Voluntary Organisations’ and then click on ‘small grants booklet’ in the right hand column.

Leeds Voice Environment Forum: Leeds Local Development Framework- Core Strategy

Leeds Voice Environment Forum: Leeds Local Development Framework- Core Strategy