Next forum meeting- Natural Resources and Waste Development Plan Document

The Natural Resources and Waste Development Plan Document (NRWDPD) which is part of the Leeds Local Development Framework: a collection of documents which guide decisions on planning applications and influences what will be built in Leeds and where (spatial land use planning).

The document covers a wide range of issues of immense importance to the environment and sustainable development in Leeds. Including:

- Natural resource flows and the ecological footprint of the city

- Renewable and non-renewable energy and climate change

- Household and commercial waste, waste treatment technologies and waste-resource management

- Minerals and aggregates (extraction and recycling)

- Contaminated land

- Water resources and flooding issues

- Air quality

The NRWDPD is currently out for public consultation. It is vital we support this document through our consultation responses in order to help Leeds manage natural resources and waste more sustainably. We can help to strengthen and improve the document through our responses to the consultation.

It is suggested you have a quick read through the sections of the document that most interest you prior to attending the meeting. The document can be found on the link below.

‘Keeping an Eye on Leeds’ Environment Forum
19:00 – 21:00 3rd June 2008
Leeds Civic Hall

1.0 Welcome and introductions

2.0 Coordinators Update
JH to briefly update on ‘Access to Nature’ funding application.

3.0 Introduction to the Natural Resources and Waste Development Plan Document (NRWDPD)
“It is important that Leeds is able to manage its natural resources in a sustainable manner. The NRWDPD will explain the key issues affecting Leeds’ natural resources. It will provide a policy framework and guidance on themes relevant to the whole of the Leeds City Council area for the future management of existing natural resources.” Text taken from document.

4.0 Group Discussion and Question and Answer Session
We will discuss any aspect of this document which forum members take an interest in, this could include:

- Natural resource flows and the ecological footprint of the city - Renewable and non-renewable energy and climate change - Household and commercial waste, waste treatment technologies and waste resource management - Minerals and aggregates (extraction and recycling) - Contaminated land - Water resources and flooding issues - Air quality

5.0 Responding to the consultation
We will discuss how we will make a formal response to the consultation- either forming a focus group to work up a forum response, or using the minutes of this meeting to form the basis of a forum response or responding to the consultation as individual organisations. The deadline for responses is 5pm on 19/6/08.

6.0 Brief updates from the forums representatives on Aire Action Leeds and the Climate Change Strategy Group.
JH to feedback on Climate Change Strategy. IM, KS, DV, JH, RB to feedback on Aire Action Leeds. Reps: If you have feedback but cannot attend the meeting please forward your written feedback to me by 28th May.

Next meeting: Tuesday 1st July 2008. 19:00-21:00 Leeds Civic Hall.
Environment Forum Coordinating Group. Detailed reps feedback and action planning. We will discuss our Terms of Reference, Vision (work programme) and other issues related to the operation of our forum. All welcome.

Incineration? (EfW?) Autoclave? Mechanical and biological treament? Anerobic Digestion? Centralised Infrastructure or Modular/ local systems?

Text taken from email recieved from Andrew Mason, Chief Environmental Services Officer.

Please note: I cannot attach the letter/ questionnaire- contact me to get a copy. I forwarded it with the email giving the link to this post.

Leeds City Council is looking to work with a private company to develop new treatment facilities for waste that is not sorted for recycling. This will enable us to minimise environmental damage and recover the maximum value from the rubbish that would otherwise be buried in the ground.

We are now consulting about what the most important things are that we should consider when we decide how to deal with rubbish that is not sorted for recycling in order to choose the right treatment solution for Leeds and have attached a letter here (CONTACT: to get a copy).

Please return your response to by 5pm on 15th June 2008.

Economic and regeneration (spatial planning) changes to who makes the decisions that affect Leeds...

In July 2007 the Government published the Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration (SNR). This provided the framework that will enable central and local government and other partners to work together to help maximise prosperity in all parts of England and tackle social deprivation and inequality.

This consultation sets out and seeks views on the proposals contained in the SNR for putting in place reforms that would:

- Streamline the regional tier, introducing integrated strategies and giving the regional development agencies (RDAs) (e.g. Yorkshire Forward) lead responsibility for regional planning; (this means the Regional Assembly would lose one of it's core roles- I am unsure whether the regional assembly will cease to exist)

- Strengthen the local authority role in economic development, including a new statutory duty to assess local economic conditions; and

- Support collaboration by local authorities across economic areas.

The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reforms look forward to receiving your views (apparently).


Consultation on the draft Soil Strategy for England

Consultation on the draft Soil Strategy for England

This consultation invites your views on a draft Soil Strategy for England.

The purpose of the document is to provide a sound framework for policy making and delivery with the aim of ensuring the sustainable management of England’s soils.

The draft Strategy sets out the pressures on our soils and the priority work areas that we have identified on the basis of these pressures. It explains current policy measures which are in place to achieve sustainable soil management and then sets out in broad terms what it is that we hope to achieve and some initial steps we intend to undertake in the next few years.

Deadline for responses: 23 June 2008.


Consultation on draft Regulations and draft guidance for proposals for establishing Joint Waste Authorities in England

Consultation on draft Regulations and draft guidance for proposals for establishing Joint Waste Authorities in England

Defra is seeking views on draft Joint Waste Authorities (Proposals) Regulations 2008 and draft Guidance on proposals for Joint Waste Authorities in England.

Government introduced powers to establish joint waste authorities in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. This provides local authorities with another model for partnership working - one which allows them to put the partnership on a statutory footing. The powers allow two or more local authorities to submit proposals to the Secretary of State to transfer one or more of their waste functions (waste collection, waste disposal and/or street cleansing) to a new joint waste authority. Under the Act, the Secretary of State may make Regulations to make provisions as to matters to be included in a proposal and information that must accompany a proposal. The Secretary of State may also issue guidance as to what a proposal should seek to achieve and matters that should be taken into account in formulating a proposal. Local authorities will be obliged to have regard to any such guidance issued by the Secretary of State in making their proposals. Views are now being sought on draft Regulations and draft guidance.

Responses should be received by Monday 9 June 2008.
