The above document is currently undergoing formal consultation.

The Affordable Housing SPD outlines Leeds City Council’s proposed requirements for the provision of affordable housing on planning applications submitted for residential development.

The SPD, once formally adopted, will replace the existing Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on Affordable Housing, ie. the proposals in the SPD will not apply until the plan is formally adopted. The existing informal housing policy and supplementary planning guidance remain until then.

An accompanying Sustainability Appraisal (SA) document has also been produced. This has thoroughly assessed the draft SPD against environmental, social and economic effects which would result from applying the SPD.

The purpose of this e-mail is to invite you to consider the SPD and SA. Any comments or suggestions on the documents would be welcome. These should be returned (faxed, posted, hand delivered or via email) to City Development by 5 p.m. on 7th November 2008. See below for address and numbers.

Should you wish to view a copy of the SPD and SA then as of today you can access these documents, along with the Statement of the SPD Matters and comments form, in the following ways:
- On the internet using the links above
- By visiting the Development Office at The Leonardo Building, 2 Rossington Street, LS2 8HD (Monday to Friday 0830 – 1700, except Wednesday 1000 – 1700) or
- By requesting copies to be sent to you by post or email ( telephone (0113 2478075, Fax 0113 247 6484) or email
- Libraries and One Stop Centres within Leeds District will have a hard copy only of the Draft SPD from 29th September.

I trust this e-mail provides you with sufficient information but if you have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact Lois Pickering, Senior Planning Officer, Planning Policy on (0113) 2478133.

David Feeney
Head of Planning & Economic Policy
Leeds City Council
The Leonardo Building
2 Rossington Street
Leeds LS2 8HD

Regional Spatial Strategy- what is built and where in Yorkshire and Humber

How much housing should we have in the Region? Where should new housing development go? What type of housing should we build to meet our communities’ needs? Do we need new transport and infrastructure? How should we provide for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation? Which parts of the Region should we prioritise for investment?

The Yorkshire and Humber Assembly is currently undertaking a partial review of the Regional Spatial Strategy (entitled the RSS 2009 Update) to address the requirements of the Housing Green Paper and look at accommodating housing growth in the Yorkshire and Humber Region.

Between 3 November 2008 and 2 January 2009 we will be consulting on strategic options for accommodating growth in the region. We are pleased to invite you to attend one of four events being held during the strategic options consultation stage:

Tuesday 11 November 2008: National Centre for Early Music, York

Thursday 13 November 2008: Octagon Centre, Hull

Tuesday 18 November 2008: Megacentre, Sheffield

Thursday 20 November 2008: Marriott Hotel, Leeds

The purpose of the events is to introduce and consult on the strategic options for accommodating growth in the region and will consist of discussions, presentations and interactive workshops during the day and an open drop-in session in the evening. The events are open to everyone in the region.

Please find attached an invitation providing further information on the events and a booking form.

To reserve your place, please contact the person below to get a booking form and return the booking form by Friday 10 October 2008 (places are limited). If you require any further information then please do not hesitate to contact Hannah on 01924 331592 or email

Kind Regards

Hannah Madajewski
Planning Administrator
Yorkshire and Humber Assembly
18 King Street
Tel: 01924 331592
Fax: 01924 331559