Leeds Local Development Framework- Core Strategy

The Leeds Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy is currently out for public consultation. The LDF is a collection of planning policy documents, the core strategy is the principle document that must be taken into account when deciding planning applications and planning where new things will be built. The Core Strategy will help shape the future appearance, liveability and environmental performance of the City. It is the principle document in the Local Development Framework (LDF) and is aligned to the Regional Spatial Strategy (Integrated Regional Framework), national planning policy and the Vision for Leeds. The old planning system (the Unitary Development Plan) stipulated what can be built and where, the LDF is an advancement of this aiming to deliver social, economic and environmental objectives through spatial (land use) planning.

The Core Strategy has 4 key aims:

Protect, enhance and manage the environment.

Promote economic success, with a high quality of life.

Narrow the gap between disadvantaged communities and the rest of Leeds.

Promote and develop Leeds’ role within Leeds City Region as a competitive European city.

There are 5 key objectives:



Regeneration and renewal

Future developments

Well-connected city

There are 4 future scenarios which will help guide how Leeds’ built environment changes over the next 20 years- respondents are asked which option they would prefer ranging from ‘maintaining existing policy approaches’ (business as usual) to creating ‘new urban neighbourhoods’.

Other themes and subthemes include: greenspace, health, cultural facilities, gypsy and traveller sites, flood risk, affordable housing, crime, transport, community safety, waste management, identifying town and local centres etc.

It takes about 1 hour to read the consultation document and answer the questions. The most important thing to note is that you can say what is missing without having to be asked with a consultation question.

See: http://www.leeds.gov.uk/page.aspx?pageID=1d747321-11cb-4008-869c-8f7e77d9daea files are down the right hand side of the screen, you will need to look at the ‘Issues and Alternative Options’ document if interested.

The consultation is open until 4th December. This document is important to anyone wanting Leeds to develop in a way that is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.

Please use the comments button to give your views on the contents of the Core Strategy so that you can inform and inspire others who may respond to the consultation. This blog is not part of the consultation process it is to inform you of the consultation and to provide a place for discussion and information sharing.

The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) is important for influencing Leeds planning policy and is taken into account when deciding planning applications. There are some proposed changes to the RSS, including a weakening of the requirement for new developments to have on-site renewable energy generation. To make a representation on the proposed changes please see:


The deadline for responses is 21st December 2007

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the new Environment Forum blog. I hope this blog will provide the following things:
- Information about strategic developments in Leeds.
- A place to give your views and debate the content of strategies.
- A place where the forum representatives on the Climate Change Strategy Group and Aire Action Leeds can come to glean your views and take them forward to strategic meetings.
- A place for forum members to share information.
- A place to network and find out what is happening strategically and at a community level.

Please send me information which you would like to see posted on the blog.