Stop Climate Chaos Ice Rink Meltdown Party 2nd March

Sunday 2nd March
with Radio Aire & Stop Climate Chaos Leeds
12-4pm, Millenium Square, Leeds The last day of the ice rink will be marked by the Radio Aire Meltdown Party and draw attention to the issues surrounding climate change. Including: Ice Skating, Fancy Dress, Climate Change Speakers and Radio Aire Outside Broadcast Volunteers needed for - ideas and organisation, running a stall, publicity, photography, dressing up as a polar bear and climate change speakers. If you would like any more information or to volunteer please email: or call 07723 352097 or 0113 3917917 (Wednesday)

Stop Climate Chaos- Activity at Millenium Square- 13th Feb

Wednesday 13th February
Stop Cliamte Chaos:Media Stunt at the ice rink, Millenium Square Volunteers needed for - photography, publicity, dressing up as a polar bear! designing and producing a placard, and manning a stall. If you would like any more information or to volunteer please email: or call 07723 352097 or 0113 3917917 (Wednesday)

World Development Movement Climate Change Workshop 6th Feb

Wednesday 6th February
WDM Leeds Meeting - Climate Change Workshop
Victoria and Commercial Hotel, Leeds
WDM's climate campaigner, Tim Jones will run the workshop - Climate Change: Is Corporate Power Cooking the Planet? For more information contact Mary Keynes -

Climate Change Club Night 2nd February

Friday 2nd February
GRASSROOTS - Climate Special, Burley Liberal Club, 9pm - 2am High Pressure Soundsystem playing heavy dub/reggea, recycled decor, FREE shop, DIY crafts, bar, find out whats going on in Leeds to change things (i.e. info area), teastall, Vital Visuals, fancy dress with RUBBISH theme - winner recieves selection of recycled crafts and a drink from the bar! £2 before 10.30 and £3 after, all fundraising will go to green action food co-op revamp and GreenPeace.

Climate Chaos Cafe

Information recived via Leeds Sustainability Network.

Here is the programme for the next four months of Climate Chaos Cafes! Pretty exciting stuff...

Climate Chaos Cafe is all about discussion, information, food, chat and action on climate change in friendly and informal surroundings. We open at 6.45pm, with about an hour of talk/open discussion from 7pm then a cheap, delicous (vegan) meal and plenty of time to discuss and chat over a cuppa or a beer.

Climate Chaos Cafe started in Leeds in 2007, it aspires to open doors for discussions on issues that affect all of us, so we can learn from each other. It's less about experts and more about sharing knowledge and information in an open and comfortable environment, focusing on what can be done locally, linking global issues to local campaigns and groups that aim to address them.
It's a collaborative effort so help is always welcome cooking, clearing and setting up - come along anytime after 5.30pm if you'd like to help out....

Climate Chaos Cafe programme 2008:

Jan 30th - Peat bogs: why we need 'em (Cath Muller)

Feb 13th - Transition town: what would a real transition look like? (Paul Chatterton)

Feb 27th - Capitalism and Climate Change (Brian, David and Keir)

March 12th - What Leeds City Council are doing about climate change and how we can make them do more (Leeds Stop Climate Chaos)

March 26th - Decentralised energy (Leeds Greenpeace group)

April 9th - Leeds/Bradford Airport expansion (Leeds/Bradford airport campaign)

April 23rd - The spirituality thing: friend or foe? (Matt Carmichael)

May 7th - Technofixes: the truth (Claire)

May 21st - Is it too late? (exploring responses positively) (Matt Carmichael)

June 4th - How can art be part of working towards a sustainable future? (Kathryn Cooper)

It all happens at The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds. We're a collectively run social centre and we're here:|ls2%207eq. We're close to the market, bus station and Parish Church, about 10 mins walk from the train station.