Economic and regeneration (spatial planning) changes to who makes the decisions that affect Leeds...

In July 2007 the Government published the Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration (SNR). This provided the framework that will enable central and local government and other partners to work together to help maximise prosperity in all parts of England and tackle social deprivation and inequality.

This consultation sets out and seeks views on the proposals contained in the SNR for putting in place reforms that would:

- Streamline the regional tier, introducing integrated strategies and giving the regional development agencies (RDAs) (e.g. Yorkshire Forward) lead responsibility for regional planning; (this means the Regional Assembly would lose one of it's core roles- I am unsure whether the regional assembly will cease to exist)

- Strengthen the local authority role in economic development, including a new statutory duty to assess local economic conditions; and

- Support collaboration by local authorities across economic areas.

The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reforms look forward to receiving your views (apparently).


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