CABE Sustainable Cities
Regional Decision Makers
Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber
“The Government Office for Yorkshire and The Humber works with organisations across the region to deliver Government policies and programmes and to contribute a regional perspective in their development. As the representative of central Government in the region, we promote effective integration of policies and programmes so that they reflect priorities at regional and local level. Our Aim is to deliver thriving and sustainable communities across the region by working in partnership, ensuring effective delivery of Government programmes and informing policy development to:
Improve the economy
Improve the quality of life of all those who live or work in the region, and the quality of experience for those who visit
Protect and improve the natural and built environment “
Yorkshire Forward
“Yorkshire Forward is the Regional Development Agency charged with improving the Yorkshire and Humber economy.”
Yorkshire and Humber Assembly
“The Yorkshire and Humber Assembly works closely with partners on key regional issues, and to promote and champion the region nationally and internationally. We lobby for the very best deal for Yorkshire and Humber and all its communities.”
The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) is important for influencing Leeds planning policy and is taken into account when deciding planning applications. There are some proposed changes to the RSS, including a weakening of the requirement for new developments to have on-site renewable energy generation. To make a representation on the proposed changes please see:
The deadline for responses is 21st December 2007
Leeds Decision Making Structures
Click on the image above to view the structure of the Climate Change Strategy Group. If you would like to fill any of the 'rep needed' vacancies to represent the forum on this decision making structures please contact
Details of other decision making structures, including Aire Action Leeds will be added in the near future.
Climate Change Condensed- COIN Training
Climate Outreach and Infromation Netwrok (COIN) are running a one day course on climate chnage. They are marketing it as an 'all you need to know' course.
Next training: Sheffield, 13.12.2007 5-8pm
Central United Reform Church, 60 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JB
Tickets: £10 (individuals); £20 (charities); £50 (local authorities); £70 (business) Places limited so book soon - to book email or call 01865 727911.
COIN has created a fantastic new 3-hour 'all you need to know' course which uses the carefully-concocted recipe of expert knowledge (we bring the experts to you on film), group discussion and pair work. We ask you to come with your ideas and concerns and we will give your confidence a power-boost and give you the energy to go back out and get active.
The course covers the basic science of climate change; extreme weather & home impacts; what the opinion polls tell us about public feeling on climate change; what the politicians & leading experts are saying; feelings which climate change brings up for us all; why is it important to take urgent action?; how much time we have in which to act; emissions reductions and different possible scenarios; can it be done?; where do we start?; look at your own life and consider what action you can take right now which will have an effect; how do we create change? - strategies for different groups/situations; group pledges.
DEFRA funding cuts
I previously circulated details of a Inland Waterways Association campaign to protest cuts to DEFRAs funding which have reduced the money availible to maintain and enhance the waterways.
It now looks likely that DEFRA's budget will be cut further affecting funding it allocates to British Waterways, the Environment Agency, farming projects etc. I am unsure whether flood defence projects are affected by the cuts but I believe that flood defense budgets are secure.
Ministers are to be presented with a package for £130 million of immediate cuts to the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs’ budget with radical options for another £140 million in cuts (or savings). This would affect all DEFRA-funded bodies, including British Waterways and the Environment Agency and would be in addition to 5% year-on-year cuts already reported in the wake of Avian flu and the mismanagement of the single farm paymnets (agricultural/ ecological subsidies) scheme.
Links to news pieces:
Link to Inland Waterways Association campaign against funding cuts:
You can urge your MP to take action on this issue, sign the petition against cuts and the one against waterway privatisation and find out how the cuts will affect waterways and users.
Please use the comments section to add information and share your views.
Influence government policy by responding to consultations
In a previous bulletin I listed all the environment-related national consultations I could find. This was to give you an idea of the range of opportunities to directly influence government policy. To search for consultation opportunities yourself see:
Department for Communities and Local Government (formerly ODPM)
Planning, building and environment, communities, regions and cities and other miscellaneous consultations
Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (formerly DTI)
Energy; renewables, nuclear power, regulation
Department for Food Environment and Rural Affairs (formerly MAFF)
Climate change, environmental protection, food and farming, natural environment, rural issues
Department for Transport
If you spot a particularly relevant consultation please flag this up with me and add to the comments section.
DEFRA's Third Sector Strategy
The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs want to imporve the way they work with thrid sector (voluntary, community and fiath sector) organisations. They are consulting to inform the preparation of their Thrird Sector Strategy. It asks about ways in which the third sector can make an even bigger difference in tackling climate change, protecting the environment and supporting strong rural communities. It also asks about the way in which Defra can create a level playing field for third sector organisations in the way they do business, for example in their procurement procedures and the way they work with third sector stakeholders through the Defra Compact Group and Social Enterprise Forum. It sets out Defra's current thinking on these issues and asks for your views.
Defra are also inviting proposals from third sector stakeholders to prepare a small number of ‘think piece’ documents which focus on the key consultation questions or themes. These would discuss the issues in more depth and offer practical options and recommendations for Defra to inform the preparation of our Strategy. The preparation of each ‘think piece’ document could also include a targeted workshop or meeting which would enable the participation of a wider group of key stakeholders. Third sector stakeholders who would like to put forward a proposal to prepare a 'think piece' document should contact Defra as soon as possible to discuss the ideas at an early stage. The documents and any events must be completed and submitted by the deadline for consultation. If you would like to discuss ideas for a 'think piece' document contact Jon at Leeds Voice.
For an introductory letter, list of consultees and the consultation document (with contact details for submitting comments) see:
The Sustainable Community Action Wiki has a section for you to read others thoughts on the consultation and share your own views. See:
The deadline for comments is 22nd February 2008.
Natural Resources and Waste Development Plan Document (part of the LDF)
- Household and commercial waste.
- Mineral resources.
- Water resources and flooding issues
- Energy and climate change
- Air quality
- Contaminated land”
I have received a letter to raise awareness of the work being undertaken and provide us with an opportunity to be involved in early discussions surrounding the key issues of this plan. We are asked what our thoughts are on the following key areas:
- What are the major issues associated with waste management and how can the forthcoming challenging landfill [reduction] targets be met?
- How can we best use our mineral resources?
- What issues associated with climate change and flooding would you like to see considered within the plan?
- What are the main issues we should be taking on board when considering the regeneration of contaminated land?
- Are their any other issues you would like to be included in a Natural Resources Development Plan Document?
Your comments will be helpful to inform preparation of an ‘issues and alternative options’ paper. All comments need to be presented in a written format. Contact details are for enquiries and submitting comments:
Andrew Walters
Jacobs UK Ltd
1 City Walk
LS11 9DX
t: 0795 613 4516
Please use the comments section of this blog to post comments that might help others to formulate their responses.