Securing the future of allotments
There is a national petition to the government on turning temporary allotment sites into statutory sites so they are better protected in the planning system and to more generally keep allotments ‘alive and well’. Most allotment groups on the Leeds Voice database don’t have an email address so I would be grateful if you could circulate this as widely as possible and raise it with any contacts you have from other sites/ groups. You can also encourage your contacts to sign.
Leeds Climate Change Strategy Consultation- LAST CHANCE TO RESPOND
If you haven't yet taken the chance to give your feedback on Leeds City Council's draft Climate Change Strategy, now's your last chance. The deadline is on Monday.
Remember, only 50 returns are expected. So your response could make a big difference.
If you only have 2 minutes, just edit and copy and paste this message:
The draft Climate Change Strategy is to be welcomed insofar as it is based on the best scienctific understanding to date. In respect of this:
- the headline target of 60% by 2050 is out of date and will not help to mitigate the worst effects. The overall target should be at least 80% by 2050.
- 550ppm should never be associated with "stabilisation" as it represents less than a 10% chance that warming will remain under human control.
- The headline target should be worded in such a way as to respond to scientific understanding and never give us less than a 50% chance of avoiding "runaway" warming.
Many of the headline actions are excellent and the draft is comprehensive in its range, however
- a far more urgent and radical educational programme will be needed if any of these measures are to avoid being undermined by an ignorant electorate.
- I would also question the involvement of any private companies in the consultation process who are unwilling to sign up to the pledge to cut their own emissions. In particular, it is very clear that the financial interests of the newly privatised airport are directly contrary to the needs of the people of Leeds in the light of the science of climate change.
And send it to
And thanks for taking the time to do this
Matt Carmichael and Mary Keynes
Stop Climate Chaos Leeds
Waste Resource Management- Important Decisions Being Made in Leeds
I hope you read the waste suppliment in the Spring edition of About Leeds. If not please see:
The council are undergoing a process to decide what technology they want to use to treat our waste.
If you have an interest in waste resoure management and want to help arrange a meeting to discuss what view the forum should take on the proposed options please contact
Please also complete the waste survey.
The Climate Bill- Week of Action
The Climate Bill campaign is hotting up! Annual milestones have been added to strengthen the Bill. We need to keep the pressure up (we've got two more demands, see below), and I hope that you will be taking part in iCounts Climate Change Bill Week of Action: Sunday 30th March - Saturday 5th April.
Piling the pressure on MPs to publicly pledge their support for a 'Climate Bill with Bite' is what the Week of Action is all about. We've produced everything you need to take part including Action Guides, Pledge Cards, Sample Letters and
We'd love to see as many activities as possible. Whether it's lobbying MPs, organising a photo stunt, public meeting, or letter writing, it all counts and adds up to more pressure on MPs, and therefore a higher chance of us winning the changes we want to the Bill, and helping to stop climate chaos.
Attached is an Action Guide full of top tips on how to get your MP to publicly support a Climate Bill with Bite. Even if your MP has already signed the EDM (EDM No. 736), please follow up and get them to sign the Pledge Card.
4. PLEDGE CARD: 'I love a Climate Bill with Bite'
The Pledge Card is the tool you need to use to draw out your MP's support. What's key is that your MP signs it, going public with their support for our demands. Once your MP has signed the Pledge Card please send it to us at the address below. We want to see lots of signed Pledge Cards!
The site is jam packed with everything you'll need to get active on the Bill (and if there's anything you'd like us to add, let us know). Log on and you'll find:
- a fantastic map showing every single event that's planned for the Week of Action. If your event isn't up there yet, please add it!
- Action Guides & Pledge Card
- Bill background & latest news
- I Count's very own podcast
- and coming soon, a viral film…
Since we launched the map in September 2007 we've made a few changes to it based on your feedback. We've hidden the message boards - sadly they seemed to be a greater source of frustration than of use! (They are still accessible if you were a fan: More positively we've added a whole brand new layer for events. Whether you're organising an event for the Week of Action or another time, post details of your event to publicise what's going on where you are. We hope that you like these changes.
A massive thank you to everyone who's getting active on the Bill. Our campaign success shows we really can make a difference. Now we need to keep the pressure up on our remaining two demands to it (see above). If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.
I Count backs a Climate Change Bill which commits the UK to at least an 80% reduction in CO2 by 2050.
Make the Climate Change Bill count