Communications and publicity working group.
- The waterfront festival will take place on 14th June- more details to follow in late April.
- Maps are needed to promote the heritage and environmantal attractions of the waterways.
- Producing a pack of information of use to people wanting to organise events on the waterways information will include: health and safety advice, advice on riparian ownership etc.
- There is an intention to work towards a waterways and waterfront communications strategy in the long term.
Stewardship working group.
- Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, BTCV and Groundwork Leeds are running corpoate volunteering days encouraging businesses with an interest in the waterways to release staff in work hours to volunteer on river clean ups. Other activities will be planned for community volunteers which might be of interest to your group.
- Long term plans for a stewardship service funded by contributions from businesses is being considered.
Planning and Policy working group.
- Eric Cowan of the Wyke Beck Way Community Forum attendedand gave a very interetsing presentation on the apparent lack of a joined up apporach between the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan and East and South East Leeds Area Action Plan with regards to habitat connectivety and green corrdior connections (for people and wildlife). Eric made a strong case for the need for a Landscape Plan for the Wyke Beck valley to tackle issues with flooding, future development of the land, greenspace, accessibility and other issues- no decision was made to support or resource this Landscape Plan but many agreed it would be useful.
- We worked towards a position on fencing and water safety and were surpised to discover the extent of existing fences and guardrails along the waterfront in the city centre which are relatively unobtrusive.
- A large flood defense scheme is being planned for Leeds City Centre and it will entail major engineering work that could have dramatic effects on the aesthetics of the river and could either imporve or reduce the potential for better wildlife habitats- the proposals will go through Aire Action Leeds.
- Working to identify 'character areas' highlighting there is a lot of difference between the city centre and the more deprived inner city areas that neighbour it and that a strategic apporach to making imporvements will need to reflect this.
- There is a long term aim to develop a common vision for the waterfront.
- Activity is underway to collate all the strategies, policies and action plans relevant to the waterways and to undertake an evidence base mapping process looking at riparian ownership, wildlife hotspots and other information.
Aire Action Leeds Update
Climate Change Strategy Group Update
The Climate Change Strategy Group met on 7th April.
We discussed data on the responses to the consultation- I'm pleased to report 17 responses were recieved from voluntary and community groups and charitable organisations. 10 responses were recieved from private individuals- some of these responses will have been as a result of voluntary sector activity. Respondants were supportive of meaningful action.
The response rate was quite high but not enough people answered the questions about how they or their organisation can contribute to delivering the strategy. While this is disappointing it presents an opportunity for us in the 3rd sector to step into the gap and gain increased recognition of the work we already do and highlight that with support we could deliver more work to help tackle climate change.
We agreed that the new target for greenhouse gas emissions reductions would be 80% (from the 1990 baseline) by 2050 in line with government targets.
The final version of the strategy will be published around september time. Each of the 8 themed subgroups (natural environment, built environment (domenstic and non-domestic), planning and development, education and awaresness, procurement, waste, and transport) will be arranging a meeting in the near future to discuss the consultation responses relevant to their chapter and to finalise amendments to their chapters.
It was agreed that more work needs to be done on the Education and Awareness chapter because each of the subgroups has an education and awareness or communications element to their priorities. Work will continue to develop climate change education and awareness activities that get key messages to key target audiences using every channel of communication possible.
Amenities Competion- Allotments
Information recieved from Tom Maynard Hon. Secreteray of the Leeds and District Gardeners Federation.
Do you have an allotment plot or site that you would like to enter into Leeds and District Gardeners Federation (in association with Leeds City Council) Amenities Competion?
Application forms can be downloaded from:
or contact or phone Tom Maynard on 0113 279 1034
Application forms should be returned by Monday 16th June to: Tom Maynard, 223 Green Hill Road, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4AJ. Please remember all plots to be judged need to be numbered clearly. The Show Committee will meet to discuss the judging route and times, entrants will be informed.