If anyone from Leeds plans to go please let me know. I am attending a 'key stakeholdr' focus group on 3rd March so will be feeding in to the consultation. If you have a question or comment please contact me to raise it on your behalf.
Whose responsibility is it to tackle climate change in the region?
Are we making the right interventions at a regional level? And are they having an impact on hitting the regional target?
What else could/should we be doing?
What do you think are the challenges and opportunities that climate change presents to the region's economy?
The Yorkshire and Humber Assembly would like to hear your views about tackling Climate Change and the role that Yorkshire Forward and the Regional Economic Strategy can play. The Assembly's Scrutiny Board, supported by regional Sustainable Development expertise, will be reviewing the progress that has been made in achieving the regional greenhouse gas emission target of 20-25% between 1990 and 2016. They will look at the role that Yorkshire Forward plays and focus on the challenges and opportunities that Climate Change can offer the region. Your involvement is vital to the success of the scrutiny.
Over the next month the Assembly's Scrutiny Board will be speaking with key partners in the region and would like to hear your views. There are a number of ways to do this:
*Come to the public discussion and pose your questions to Yorkshire Forward on Tuesday 18 March 2008, The Courtyard, Boothferry Road, Goole 10.30- 3pm. Booking online at http://www.yhassemb
*Write to us or email us with your views and experiences to mailto:scrutiny@yhassembly
*Log onto the Assembly website to access key documents and feed in your
views - http://www.yhassemb
What Jon is planning to ask:
Can we simultaneously aim for economic growth and greenhouse gas emission reductions?- what takes priority?
How are we going to decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions increases?
How have the findings of Stern Review informed regional economic decision making? (I think Stern is overly optimistic- but embedding the findings would be better than business as usual)
Can we refocus on quality of life and sustainable development (sustainable livelihoods and 5 types of capital) as a measure of success/as a goal instead of economic growth?
I've got papers for the 'key stakeholders' meeting in Barnsley if anyone wants me to forward them please get in touch.
1 comment:
I strongly agree with Jon's intended remarks. The only way to confront climate change is turning away from lifestyles based on continuous consumption and resource depletion in favour of sustainable lifestyles in non-exploitative communities.
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