Environmental and Climate Justice e-seminar

A very interesting idea this e-seminar.

You are invited to join the EcoRes Forum from 11-24 April 2008 for "Environmental (In)Justice: Sources, Symptoms, and Solutions", the second in a series of online dialogues focusing on the ethical, political and socio-cultural aspects of climate change.

As experts call for swift action in response to accelerating climate change, the words "global warming" have become commonplace. Headlines and commentators tout the latest technological developments, politicians focus on greening their platforms, and concerned citizens in MDCs check their house insurance and consider relocating to higher ground. Adaptation is underway.

But what about those who can't make that choice? Those forced to cope with changes they can least afford, changes to which they contributed little? As the data continues to pour in, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer's warning is being confirmed – over and over again: "The most
vulnerable communities in the poorest countries, those who have contributed nothing to climate change, will be the worst affected by its impact."

As the growing numbers of unemployed, displaced and dis-eased climate refugees and victims of injustice outpace projections, one thing is clear: Our task, our ethical responsibility, is to ensure that this indefensible discrimination does not continue. What will this require?
Nothing less than incorporating fully the interrelated principles of environmental and climate justice across the board, at all levels, in all decision-making platforms, throughout all societies.

The purpose of this dialogue is to raise awareness among participants about environmental and climate justice: what these concepts mean, underlying causes and symptoms of EJ/CJ injustice, how this injustice may be rectified, and related elements ranging from national immigration
policy and internaional contraction and convergence proposals to xenophobia and racism.

PANEL OF EXPERTS: Joining the Forum panel will be Drs. Julian AGYEMAN (USA), Patrick BOND (South Africa), Robert D. BULLARD (USA), Michael DORSEY (USA), and Shirley THOMPSON (Canada), internationally known and respected leaders in their fields. Additional panelists are being announced throughout March.

BREAKOUT DISCUSSIONS: Proposals for self-directed breakout discussions and presentations on related subjects may be submitted to forum@eco-res.org. Each selected presentation will be provided with a stand-alone webpage and unlimited discussion threads within the Forum
website, with limited server space provided for presentation materials.
Deadline for proposals: 18 March 2008.

NEW FORMAT!! EcoRes is pleased to introduce its new web-based e-conference format, which will be hosted on the Forum website. Registration is required for participation, with materials accessible as read-only for non-registrants.

The EcoRes Forum e-conference series brings together academics and activists, scientists and social critics, researchers, journalists, community leaders and members from around the world, offering a unique opportunity to learn from and network with like-minded citizens. By
offering the series free of charge, crossing cultural, disciplinary and geopolitical borders, and removing the financial and logistical barriers to participation often encountered by those whom climate change threatens most, EcoRes continues to encourage wide-ranging stakeholder
participation, with registrants from over 90 countries taking part in previous issue discussions.

Join us as we discuss this urgent need for widespread political and societal transformation: For more information or to register for the April event, visit the EcoRes Forum at http://www.eco-res.org.

We look forward to sharing this thought-provoking discussion with you!

The EcoRes Forum Team

Online Registration Now Open: http://www.eco-res.org/register.html


Anonymous said...

Since Contraction and Convergence [C&C] is on your agenda, may I draw your attention to this animation of C&C in the light of sink failure as reported in IPCC AR4: -

For PC: -

For Macs: -

Aubrey Meyer

Anonymous said...

The filename endings are: -
